Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving at Blake's parents. The weather was great, which meant we could play outside, and our kids got lots of attention since they were the only kiddos there. And of course the food was delicious!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I have a blog?

So, since April 2010, a few things have happened. We'll start with Halloween 2011 and go from there. The only reason I am doing this is: my yahoo mail, for some reason, won't let me attach pictures in anything other than full size. So I can't email pictures. I guess I'll need to open a new email address, but for now I will just post some pics here.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Green tea frap, please

Ok, so it's been quite a while since I updated the blog. I guess nothing has been happening - ha! Anyway, here is a pic of Julia the other day - I got a green tea frap from Starbucks and let her try a few sips. She LOVED it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monkey bars

Our neighbors have a swing set that the kids and I use quite a bit. For the past couple of weeks, Grant has been trying the monkey bars but makes sure that I stay right next to him. Well last night, I guess he decided he was ready to do them alone. I was pushing Julia on the baby swing and looked over to see him go across by himself. Who would have quessed his boney arms were so strong?!?! He was so proud of himself - he kept going back and forth. After about 15 mintues, I finally got the camera so I could record it. Now all he wants to play at are playgrounds with monkey bars, which unfortunately aren't that easy to find! The three within jogging distance of our house don't have them. Guess we'll be driving to more parks.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas in CF

Here are some pics from Christmas with my fam in CF. Unfortunately Lyn, Darci and I were only there for 1 day together. Or maybe that's a good thing since there are so many kids/babies now :) I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of mom and dad with the kids! We are going home again in 2 weeks - I'll be sure to get some then.
Look - all 6 grandkids in a shot! What a nice pose.
Drew and Julia playing a quiet, beautiful song.
Julia and Joel - yes, he is always this smiley!
Julia playing with my dad.
Grant and Drew had the same pjs. They thought that was pretty neat, but saw no need to pose for a photo. Boys.

Christmas time pics

I guess I haven't posted anything since Thanksgiving! I blame it on the holiday shopping, the kids, and of course being in the first trimester. Anyway, here are some pictures from December. Grant and I made a gingerbread house - he LOVES doing that sort of thing. He did most of it himself. Also a pic of Julia with her babies. Oh how she can love on her babies, and then just as quickly throw them to the ground and step on them as she walks over. Let's hope that changes before August!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great time with Blake's family at Thanksgiving, but missed the Barker's. It was strange having the only kids there! But of course Grant loved all his one-on-one time with Grandma in the kitchen. He helped her make the best pizza dough! Now if only he could do that at home...
The weather was beautiful so we were able to play outside which is always a good thing!

Looking for her belly button.

Having a tea party with Grandma - all the grandkids love the tea parties!